Cellular automata are fascinating, simple, mesmerizing mathematical processes which mimick emergent generative processes, which André Sier has been applying to space formation of volumes as well as background textures for some environments.
[iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/7462039?title=1&byline=0&portrait=0" width="100%" height="447" frameborder="0" ]
Firstly applied as textures for Corrida Espacial Series ( Space Race #1 & Space Race #2, 2007-8 ), as a computing cluster calculating endless 2D combinations (7000) and volumetric sculptoric space since 2010 in Autómatos Universais, where two dimensional cellular automata images are stacked historically as the algorithms unfold yet another generation.
[iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/2848850?title=1&byline=0&portrait=0" width="100%" height="447" frameborder="0" ]
Developped using ofxCellularAutomata and openFrameworks, Autómatos Universais 3D is a new series of Sculptures which feature true hypnotic 3D progression of Cellular Automata algorithms in space. Each object is a frozen moment of the three dimensional progression of the algorithm without any further interventions. Selected objects are subsequentaly fabricated on a 3D printer. This is a bit more infinite than the already infinite Autómatos Universais since the 3D rule set has 134217728 bits as opposed to its 2D counterpart which yields 512 bits of possibilities, not including the fundamental initial conditions and space magnitude.
These mathematical sculptures have been adorning galleries, festivals, museums, libraries and some collectors' homes. If you want one for yourself, don't be shy, send an email through the contact page.