selecção de textos e catálogos de André Sier / selection of texts and catalogues about André Sier
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txts & catalogues
Table of Contents
Artigos Investigação / Research Articles
Textos Exposições / Exhibition Texts
Catálogos / Catalogues
Artigos Investigação / Research Articles
forthcoming: published:Sier, A. (2019), ‘Bio-electronic aggregates on Neon-Paleolitikos strata’, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 17:3, pp. 215–28, doi: 10.1386/tear_00016_1 Sier, A. (2019), ‘Non-human labyrinths: Roots and additional other than human formation methods’, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 17:1+2, pp. 5–23, doi: 10.1386/tear_00002_1 Sier, A. (2019), ‘21 Games for the 21st Century’, Videojogos 2018: Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts, Carvalhais, M., Cardoso, P., Amado, P. (eds), i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, University of Porto, Faculty of Fine Arts | ISBN: 978-989-54111-6-0 | URL Sier, A. (2018), ‘Structs for an aspatial quantum-now’, TABOO - TRANSGRESSION - TRANSCENDENCE in Art & Science, Honorato, D., Giannakoulopoulos, A., (Eds), Corfu, Ionian University | ISBN: 978-960-7260-60-4 | URL | (local final paper)/ Sier, A. (2017), ‘Human dragons playing in cyberspace’, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 15:3, pp. 283–96, ISSN 1477-965X (Print); ISSN 1758-9533 (Online) | | (local final paper postscript) Sier, A. (2017), 'Artefactos da porta escondida da ponte (“Lançados para dentro de um Labirinto”)', Cibertextualidades. Porto. ISSN 1646-4435. 8 (2017) 57-70. URL Sier, A. (2012). “ entry point to infinite stochastic virtual worlds”, Consciousness Reframed 12 Presence in the Mindfield: Art, Identity and the Technology of the Transformation, Ascott, R., Girão, L. M. (Eds), Universidade de Aveiro ISBN: 978-972-789-356-0 | (local article pdf)
Textos Exposições / Exhibition Texts
(2)000 & Uivo: spring-field 2.7e-1 (2022) | Texto Still Live de Sofia Marçal, texto de André Sier, folha de sala, mapa. Mel da Senhora do Labirinto | Lady of the Labyrinth's Honey (2020) | EN.pdf | PT.pdf Neon Paleolitikos (2017) | FolhadeSalaNeonPaleolitikosEn.pdf Labirinto de Chronos II (2017) | txt folha sala 8-bit Solar Wind Machine (2017) | txt folha sala Labirinto de Chronos I (2016-17) | txt folha sala 02016.41312785388128 (2016) | txt folha sala, mapa Aespacialidade (2015-16) | folha sala e mapa Esculturas Generativas & Jogos (∆s/∆t) (2015) | txt folha sala Skate Riding (2014) | txt folha sala Skate.Exe (2014) | textos de António Cerveira Pinto e André Sier k. + uunniivveerrssee (2012) | txt folha sala & outras máquinas (2012) | txt folha sala 64-bits (2011) | txt folha sala (+mvh3) [...]
selecção de catálogos & textos outros autores | catalogue & other author texts selection
Uivo - André Sier. Book by ArteCódigo Publicações documenting works in the project "Os Lobos em Portugal"
Texts by Francisco Álvares (CIBIO-UP), António Cerveira Pinto (Artist&Curator), Francisco Petrucci-Fonseca (Grupo Lobo), André Sier (ArteCódigo).
Autómatos Universais, Binary Sculptures, Biological Sculptures @ Boundless Objects, Fundacao Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, pt
collective show, October 2019 - March 2020
Curated by Monika Bakke
Texts by José Alberto Ferreira, Monika Bakke
Works Catalogue texts by André Sier
Photographic Credits by Francisco Pereira Gomes
Works from series: Universal Automata (Series began 2010), Binary Sculptures (Series began 2018), Biological Sculptures (Series Began 2018)
catalogue text pdf excerpt
21st International Conference - Consciousness Reframed 2019 - Sentient States: Bio-mind and Techno-nature @ Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, pt
conference, collective show, June 6-8 2019
Organizing Committee: Roy Ascott, Cristina Sá, Rui Torres, André Sier, André Baltazar, Diogo Marques, José Vasco Carvalho
Cover Image: André Sier
Article presentation: Bio-electronic Aggregates on Neon-Paleolitikos Strata
Artwork presentation: Half-Plant (2017)
book of abstracts pdf excerpt
Umbigo #68: Dialogue #3 - National Archive of Torre do Tombo x André Sier
unique print based project Ant i Purga (Es7#agos da F0rmiga Br4nca), April 2019
Project publication at Umbigo #68 (link)
Project text: José Pardal Pina
Project title: Ant i Purga (Es7#agos da F0rmiga Br4nca)
Project author: André Sier
project pdf
Umbigo68-AndreSier-en.pdf Umbigo68-AndreSier-pt.pdf
Wolfanddotcom @ MNAC - Museu do Chiado - Prémio Sonae 2017, lisboa, pt
collective show, november 2017 - april 2018
catalogue text by António Cerveira Pinto
produced by Emília Tavares
piece: Wolfanddotcom (2017)
catalogue text pdf
Atlantis @ MNAC - Museu do Chiado, lisboa, pt
solo show by André Sier, september - december 2016
curatorship & catalogue text by Adelaide Ginga
catalogue design by João Bettencourt Bacelar
photography by João Bettencourt Bacelar, André Sier
pieces: Atlantis Maps (2016), Atlantis (Sólon Interface) (2016)
continuum: ../2016/08/28/atlantis-mnac/
catalogue pdf ( pt / en )
Heliosfera + 747 @ galeria municipal montemor-o-novo, pt
solo show by andré sier, september-october 2014
catalogue text by Thomas Behrens
pieces: Observation and Draw from (0,0,0) (2012), Iquohizi (2013), Iquohizi (real-virtual) (2013), Sol (2014), Heliades (2014), Heliosfera (2014), 747.6 (2014), 747.7 (2014)
web: continuum
catalogue pdf ( pt / en )
emergências 2012 @ fábrica asa, guimarães, pt, jun-set 2012
collective show curated by Marta de Menezes
piece: Lampsacus (2012)
artists: André Sier, Arcangel Constantini, Brian Mackern, Chris Salter, Daniel Palacios, Eva y Franco Mattes, Gustavo Romano, Joan Leandre, John Klima, John F. Simon Jr, Maria Manuela Lopes, Marta de Menezes e José Pedro Sousa, Mike Thompson, NETescopio WEBART Collection, Peter Flemming, Roman Kirschner, Shawn Brixey, Tagny Duff, Yann Marussich.
web: continuum
catalogue @ museu de são roque, lisboa, pt
solo exhibition by andré sier, junho-julho 2011
pieces: 32-bit wind machine (2009-11), 7000 (2010-11), apex (-pyramid) (2010-11), Autómato Universal(2010-11), autómatos universais (2010-11), Eer (2007-11), mathx (2010), Não Newtoniana (8x) (2010-11), struct_9 (2011), the great wall (2011), uunnii-bichos (2010-11), uunnii-galáxias(2010-11)
3d prints: au-23d-8-80-1751-87.stl, au-23d-931-50-3-4-79.stl, au-23d-10453-50-3-6-1.stl, au-23d-12033-50-3-6-11.stl, au-23d-12033-50-3-6-12.stl, au-23d130317-8-39-10.stl, au-23d-150844-5-12-0.stl, au-23d234959-50-3-4-73.stl (autómatos universais (2010-11))
catalogue texts by Rui António Ferreira da Cunha, Teresa Freitas Morna, António Cerveira Pinto, André Sier
texto: 'Coisa Mental' by António Cerveira Pinto at
catálogo ( pt / en ) \==> download black&white catálogo pb [13.7mb]
64-bits @ who galeria, lisboa, pt
solo exhibition by andré sier, maio 2011
pieces: 32-bit wind machine (2009-11), 32-bit difference machine (2010-11), mvh1 (2009), mvh3 (2010-11), mvh7 (2010),
prints: (2010-11) 32-bit wind machine 1-101.tif, 32-bit wind machine 21-1071.tif, 32-bit wind machine 23-1217.tif
32-bit wind machine 7-373.tif, 32-bit difference machine 20110503, 32-bit difference machine 20110503-10, 32-bit difference machine 20110510-14, 32-bit difference machine 20110514-21, 32-bit difference machine 20110521-25, 32-bit difference machine 20110525-04, 32-bit difference machine 20110604
texto: 'A criação mutante: 64-bits de André Sier' de Bypass
A criacao mutante_64-bits de Andre Sier_BYPASS
web: conttinuum
k. @ appleton square, lisboa, pt
solo exhibition by andré sier, april 2011, curated by bypass
pieces: k. (2007), k.~ (2010), k.astelo (2010-11)
prints: k.554.tga (2009), k.72540.tga (2009), k.151980.tga (2009), k.1.stl (2010), k.1.stl (2010), k.1.stl (2010), k.1.stl (2010), k.1.stl (2010),
texto 'A nomeacao da obra de arte: k. de André Sier' por Bypass (pt)
A nomeacao da obra de arte_k_Andre Sier_BYPASS
web: continuum
ape-x @ galeria nt / imaginarium, lodz, pl
solo show by andré sier, curated my Michal Brzezinski, june 2010
catalogue texts by João Silvério, Michal Brzezinski, André Sier
pieces: apex (+pyramid) (2009-10), space race #1 (2007), space race #2 (2008), space race #3 (2008), k.~ (2010), ∆ (2009), interestrelar (2009), mathx (2010)
web: continuum
catalogue pdf ( pl / en )
xii bienal jovens criadores @ bari, it, mai 2008
collective show curated by Clube Protuguês de Artes e Ideias
piece: struct_4 (2006)
artists: Tiago Gandra (Artes Plásticas), Lucas (Banda Desenhada), André Sier (Artes Plásticas / Ciber Arte), Ana Madureira (Banda Desenhada), SWAP (Dança), Victor Hugo Pontes (Dança), Ana Amil (Design de Equipamento), Nuno Coelho (Design Gráfico e Ilustração), Soraya Vasconcelos (Fotografia), Dalila Vaz (Fotografia), Helena Gonçalves (Fotografia), Bruno Roda (Ilustração), Cláudia Cabral (Joalharia), Miguel Marques (Literatura), Sofia Vilarinho (Moda), Abztraqt Sir Q (Música), Sérgio Cruz (Vídeo) e Mónica Santos (Vídeo)
747.3 @ plataforma revólver, lisboa, pt
solo show curated by João Silvério @10 may 2007
pieces: 747 (2001), 747.3 (2006)
text '747' by João Silvério
-> @plataformarevólver @747_joaosilverio (pt)
747-JoãoSilvério-english (as trad.)
web: plataforma revólver
ArtEscapes: Variations of Life in the Media Arts @ Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, valencia (es), abr 2007
collective show curated by Paulo Urbano / Anna Esparcia
piece: struct_5 (2006)
artists: Daniel Shiffman, Natacha Roussel, André Sier, Daniel Bisig, Leonel Moura, Ken Rinaldo, San Base, Dennis H Miller, ...
catalogue imgs
Upgrade! International: DIY @ oklahoma, usa, dez 2006
collective show curated by Luís Silva / upgrade! international
piece: 747.3 (2006)
artists: andre gonçalves, andré sier, patrícia gouveia e nuno correia, susana mendes silva
web page:
catalogue imgs
mapas e dispositivos (clareira) @ agência de arte vera cortês, lisboa, pt set 2006
maps and devices (glade) @ agência de arte vera cortês, lisboa, pt, set 2006
solo show by André Sier
pieces: atan (2005), struct_0 (2001), je t'aime... (1998)
text by André Sier @here (pt/en)
sound visions @ sala do risco, lisboa, pt jun 2006
collective show curated by Upgrade! Lisbon
artists: andré sier, andré gonçalves
pieces: 747 (2001), struct_3 (2004), c. ( ) (2000-4), struct_5 (2006),
text by Luis Silva @here (pt/en)
jovens criadores 2006 @ montijo, pt, mai 2006
collective show curated by Clube Português de Artes e Ideias
piece: struct_4 (2006)
artists: Tiago Gandra (Artes Plásticas), Lucas (Banda Desenhada), André Sier (Ciber Arte), Ana Madureira (Banda Desenhada), SWAP (Dança), Victor Hugo Pontes (Dança), Ana Amil (Design de Equipamento), Nuno Coelho (Design Gráfico e Ilustração), Soraya Vasconcelos (Fotografia), Dalila Vaz (Fotografia), Helena Gonçalves (Fotografia), Bruno Roda (Ilustração), Cláudia Cabral (Joalharia), Miguel Marques (Literatura), Sofia Vilarinho (Moda), Abztraqt Sir Q (Música), Sérgio Cruz (Vídeo) e Mónica Santos (Vídeo)
META.morfosis @ meiac, badajoz, es, 2006
collective show curated by António Cerveira Pinto, jan-dez 2006
piece: struct_1 (2001-2)
Artits / Authors in the Immaterial Museum department of MEIAC's collection: 0100101110101101, Alexei Shulgin, Amerika-Reddell-Silva, André Sier, António Carvalho, Arcangel Constantini, Brian Mackern, Christian Montenegro, France Cadet, Electronic Disturbance Theatre, Gustavo Romano, Han Hoogerbrugge, John Klima, Joan Leandre, John F. Simon Jr., Konic thtr, Lisa Jevbratt, Maite Cajaraville, Marta de Menezes, Nuno Valério, Olia Lialina, Pedro Zamith, Peter Luining, Santiago Ortiz, Vuk Cosic, Young-hae Cheng Heavy Industries
MEIAC at ARCO '04: The Immaterial Museum @ madrid,es, 2004
curated by António Cerveira Pinto
piece: c.\lv___copy (2000)
artists: Andre Sier, António Carvalho, Brian Mackern, Christian Montenegro, Marta de Menezes, Netart Latino Database (Play List)
catalogue imgs
arte portugués contemporáneo / Argumentos de futuro / colección MEIAC
@ madrid, es, fundación ICO, 15.11.2001-31.01.2002
piece: struct_0 (2001)
artists: André Sier, António Cerveira Pinto, Eva Mota, Patrícia Gouveia, Pedro Reis, Célia Quico [galeria virtal meiac]
texts: vários + António Cerveira Pinto
txt: MEIAC_GV 1.0 - transição e tecnofania
catalogue imgs