8 to 12th April 02013 was second residence at ZHDK's ICST's Immersive Space. The system was setup, including 4 interactive video panels and 16 surround sound channels, and the week unrolled into a series of intensive coding around the complexities inherent to the infrastructure's communication and interaction protocol and towards the professional hardware setup. Besides all the coding upgrades and new tweaks to the project, enhancing previous work on Hyperborea at s373.net/x studios, ICST's first Hyperborea residence, and the residence for the dome version construction at Espaço do Tempo (link), the whole logic of the interaction and game design had to be re-thought, and hence, Hyperborea's Zero Joystick 421 edition was forged (
: output

void hyperboreaZeroJoystickOsc421::draw(){


	ofDrawBitmapString(" " +ofToString(ofGetFrameRate())+
					   "\n tempo: " + ofToString(ofGetElapsedTimef())+
					   "\n\n player: " +
					   "\n playerAction: " + ofToString(osccomm.playerAction)+
					   "\n playerHeading: " + ofToString(osccomm.playerHeading)+
					   "\n playerDirection: " + ofToString(osccomm.playerDirection)+
					   "\n playerSpeed: " + ofToString(osccomm.playerSpeed)+
					   "\n playerFlyingAmount: " + ofToString(osccomm.playerFlyingAmount)+
					   "\n\n oscProtocol: " + ofToString(osccomm.oscProtocol) +
					   "\n debugAddress: " + ofToString(osccomm.debugAddress)+
					   "\n debugAlive: " + ofToString(osccomm.debugAlive)+
					   "\n debugSet: " + ofToString(osccomm.debugSet)+
					   "\n debugFseq: " + ofToString(osccomm.debugFseq)+
					   "\n debugZeroJoystick: " + ofToString(osccomm.debugZeroJoystick)
					   , 1, 10);

ICST's Immersive Space tactile curved panels can be all simultaneously touched and interacted with, which leads to a fascinating amount of usable data to be explored by the many pieces already in development for the structure, which will premiere sometime in the future. Hyperborea almost final version remained at ICST and a final one complete with all game logics should ship soon out of s373.net/x studios.

There was some time to visit the Daros Library<http://www.daros-latinamerica.net/index_zh.php?i=9>, thanks to Regina Vogel, and to hack around with Daniel Bisig with whom a nice collaborative project was conceived and is to be explored somewhere in the future.


Below you may find some images credited to André Sier of Hyperborea at ICST's Immersive Space and also some of the other works being developed for this infrastructure by Daniel Bisig and Jasch.

[gallery type="slideshow" link="post" width="100%" orderby="rand" size="large" ids="1787,1788,1789,1790,1791,1792,1793,1794,1845,1844,1843,1841,1840,1839"]