Hardware Freedom Day (#HFD) at AltLab was a really nice day. Lots of member projects being presented, lot's of ideas sharing, and many people attending the event. AltLab member André Sier also presented some related open harware projects and devving material for upcoming projects. A nice photo report by Mónica Mendes is here http://altlab.org/2013/04/21/hardware-freedom-day-altlab-photo-report-by-monica-mendes/.

This is a list of works presented during the day by André Sier, lots more projects in the images below:

/ background (subtitles): sun, network 3ºD, network-interface, apex (+ pyramid) http://vimeo.com/12973841, apex (- pyramid) http://vimeo.com/40363360

/ works: Apex (0 Pyramid) [+shadow], Tie-Fighter [+shadow], Skate.exe Joystick Prototype #2/0 [no wireless required version], autómato universal, Autómatos Universais, uunnii-time

/ descriptions, links, extra communication data:

Apex (0 pyramid) --> minified version of apex (+ pyramid) + apex (- pyramid) = Apex (0 pyramid ) --> http://uunniivveerrssee.net/datascape/uunnii-pieces/apex-0-pyramid

autómato universal --> generator software carving cellular automata volumetric progressions since 2010 --> http://uunniivveerrssee.net/datascape/uunnii-pieces/automato-universal

Autómatos Universais --> 3d sculptures produced into hardware from above software --> http://uunniivveerrssee.net/datascape/uunnii-pieces/automatos-universais

uunnii-time --> sync forged time for uunniivveerrssee.net simulation and human timestamps --> http://uunniivveerrssee.net/datascape/uunnii-pieces/uunnii-time

new joysticks! --> tie-fighter (+shadows) ; skate.exe joystick prototype #2/0 (no wireless required version)

skate riding under the bridge / soon with joysticks
andando de skate debaixo da ponte / em breve com joysticks
/ spaceships & tie-fighters ! :
/ skateholders soon jump to hyperspime
/ uunnii-time: 7717.229 timestamp: 201304221621 : #ds|#dt observation & interference at http://uunniivveerrssee.net/io.html / André Sier updated his cover photo. — with trash and 3 others at under the bridge.

/ image slideshow at hfd at altlab.org

[gallery type="slideshow" link="post" width="100%" size="large" orderby="rand" ids="1917,1916,1915,1914,1913,1912,1911,1910,1909,1908,1907,1906,1905,1904,1903,1902,1923,1924,1925,1926,1927,1928,1929,1930,1931,1932,1933,1948,1949,1950,1951,1952,1953"]