Welcome to the 10 th edition of Videojogos, the Conference about Sciences and Arts of Video Games, that took place on November 21 st, at the auditorium of the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library, and was organised by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, the i2ADS (Research Institute in Art, Design and Society), and the SPCV (Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências dos Videojogos).

André Sier has been invited to address a keynote speech at Video Jogos 2018: 10th Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts. The keynote entitled 21 Games for the 21st Century included theoretical considerations on videogames, as well as 21 example games produced by s373.net/x studios which propose alternative directions on game making, game technology, game experiencing. The keynote was later developed into an article which was featured in the VJ2018 conference procedings, edited by Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Cardoso, Pedro Amado. The proceedings were published in August 2019 and you can freely download them here .
21 Games for the 21 st Century
s373.net/x art codex studios | Planetary Collegium
UÉvora | Fbaul
Since 1997, I am running a small electronic arts studio, s373.net/x,
dedicated to my arts practice, exploring intersections between art,
games, interaction, immersion, mathematics, poetry, cyberspace,
and machines. This text is based on a keynote address during the
conference “VideoJogos X” that took place at Almeida Garrett
public library, in Porto’s Palácio de Cristal, on the 21 st November
2018. Therein, I proposed 21 Games for the 21 st Century, which
I have built in the new century’s early years. Looking back, the
selection could differ in some minor details, some pearls were
eclipsed, but nevertheless, under shinned, the ones presented are
representative of the main points driving this article.
Games. Games seen as interactive logical ludic constructs targeting al-
ternative directions other than mainstream triple a gaming or even
indie gaming tends to focus on. Art Games, Proto Games, Ambi-
ent Videogames, Not Games, Immersive Cyber-environments. As
stated on a 2016 article at Cibertextualidades (2016b), my main
fascination with videogames lays in its technical apex of computa-
tion by running programs on computers, as well as its integration
of multiple artistic disciplines: “Videogames merge sciences, arts,
engineering and logic to provide a virtual time-space continuum,
closer to the experience of alternative experienceable realities.”
Download full article at here.