andré sier // projects ( português / english )
struct series
is a camera based immersion in visual environment. abstracting the space of a wall, where the viewer interacts with time debris of previous viewers scattered in 3d flowing space. (2011)
is an audio visual camera based immersion. 3 parallel time-based processes are interactive to movements. (2008)
is a camera based immersion in visual environment. abstracting the space of the flow of a river, where the viewer interacts with time debris of previous viewers scattered in 3d flowing space. (2007)
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is a vibrating feedback machine suspended in elastics, with a camera aimed at two televisions and two mirrors. two motors induce vibrations in breeding like patterns. (2007)
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is an interactive device that captures and interferes with
the sound and visual motion that occurs in a site-specific space. the
installation creates an image of movement of the space into a forest of
video planes that sculpt three dimensional space. the data
gathered from the movement controls the broadcast of sounds being
sampled real-time from the microphones. (2006)
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is an audio-visual device that flows together sound moments gathered
in four different microphones attached to four modified woofers with
liquid producing patterns that are amplified through lights and
mirrors. (2006)
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is an application that converges sound input from microphones, and
fluctuates on a navigable space with up to five simultaneous different
points of view. (2004)
struct_2 @pavilhão 21C is a video with the result of the real-time use of struct_2, an audio-visual software that composes sounds from microphones and images from a video camera, with a person residing in a mental institution. (2002)
old struct_2 pdf
is an av app that explores time and space. polyphonic time sampler that
percolates the input stream into eight buffered voices, colliding them
into the present at shifting speeds. visually represents a fragmented
rectfield tintable with computer data. (2001)
old struct_1 pdf
is an audio-visual site-specific installation. it gathers sounds from a
microphone in a space and projects the confluence of previous and
current sound moments through speakers. the sound shapes the emission
of particles in the video. (2001)
old struct_0 pdf
747 series
747.5 |
747.5 is a real time simulation of free flight from the users bodies; an audiovisual experience where several persons in a network cross abstract stratospheric skies in a shared virtual space. (2010)
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747.4 |
747.4 4 sculptures / tridimensional airplane models over terrain installed in public spaces (2008)

747.3 is an immersive installation where the user is invited, using his spreaded arms towards the video screen, to explore an abstract 3d space made of terrain, lines and simple shapes. (2006)

747.2 is an installation where a user controls a virtual flight through abstract colored terrains with a joystick. the site has microphones that gather sounds which the computer processes and broadcasts. (2004)
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747 is an interactive installation in which the user flies, with a joystick, over a continuous terrain shaped by the sound of a space . (2002)
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space race series
Space Race #3
Space Race #3 is a 3d simulation where several spaceships depart from different planetoids and search the universe in the quest of new worlds. (2008)
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Space Race #2
Space Race #2 is
an abstract game where the user is invited to play, using a joystick,
fighting his way through hostile planets populated with autonomous
agents that try to take his spaceship. (2008)
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Space Race #1
Space Race #1 is a 3d simulation where teams of autonomous agents compete for a mysterious green fuel, that allows for a spaceship, the only possible way of escaping, to take them to another planet, the next level of the game.(2007-8)
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k. series

k. is a free adaptation of the imagery experimented by K. in 'The Castle' by Franz Kafka, that transports the user in a vertiginous voyage through the spatial abstraction. generates endless stochastic user browsable spaces. (2007)
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k.~ is a sonic land-surveyor of infinite spaces. A three dimensional voyage in continuos space through sound. (2010)
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k.astelo is an interactive projection over boxes from the 'k.' series. The viewer triggers squares and k. avatars which move in geometric patterns within the boxes regions. (2011)
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k.*.tga is a series of aluminium framed high quality prints from k. the environment. (2009)
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k.*.stl is a series 3d printed sculptures from the k. environment. (2010-11)
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uunniivveerrssee series
series of pieces orbiting cosmogonical concepts. (2007-11) website:
interestrelar |
interestrelar Sounds of cosmic collisions, spiraling
galaxies around black holes, are broacasted through woofers with ink
that make automatic galactic drawings operated by the occasional
movements in the street. (2009)
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∆ |
∆ is 3d movement interactive simulation in the uunniivveerrssee series. autonomous agents, within an abstract pitagoric ruins environment, relate with mathematical elements generated from video interaction. (2009)
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apex (+pyramid)
apex (+pyramid) Tetrahedron sculpture with electronics. Three speakers produce fibonacci scale 8 bit sounds given changes of light at its vertices. (2010)
apex (-pyramid)
apex (- pyramid) Suspended fractal tetrahedron sculpture with electronics. Three speakers produce fibonacci scale 8 bit sounds given changes of light at its vertices. Usually serves uunnii-time to the uunniivveerrssee simulation. (2010-11)
32-bit Wind Machine |
32-bit Wind Machine A visual mathematical game for wind and machine. (2009-2010)
32-bit Difference Machine |
32-bit Difference Machine is a motion driven painting machine. The tracked camera motion sends coordinates to a painting robot which casts ink onto a hanging canvas. (2009-2011)
The Great Wall |
The Great Wall Video interactive simulation for building facade. Virtual humanoids flock upon the great wall, under a revolving sky, influenced by a 3d fluid field of lines. (2011)
Universal Automata |
Universal Automata are sculptures printed in plastic from a 3d printer. The sculptures explore the creation of volumetric space through progressions of cellular automata algorithms.(2011)
universal automata |
universal automata Piece which computes all possible configurations of bidimensional cellular automata with one neighbor and
accumulates slices historically in 3d models, with all
parameters configurable by the users. (2010-11)
7000 |
7000 is a cluster of computers calculating bidimensional cellular automata. (2010-11)
uunnii-bugs |
uunnii-bugs. Generations of virtual humanoids evolve and change appearance (2010-11)
uunnii-galaxies |
uunnii-galaxies spawns clusters of galaxies to an http database. An interactive aquatic vision of the universe molds fluxes of particles which circulate amidst stochastic ‘infinite’ planetary formations. (2010-11)
uunnii-time |
uunnii-time. Simulated time which synchronizes real installations with virtual world. (2010)
Mathx |
Mathx. Navigator in a meta-symbolic space, travels three-dimensionally a network of codes and names generated by planets, races, elements associated with the creation of the universe. (2010)
uunniivveerrssee |
uunniivveerrssee is the piece where the simulation is updated. Moving in front of a webcam, users wander around the planetoids which make the uunniivveerrssee. (2009-11)
Eer |
In Eer the user is invited, using keys or webcam, to err around the uunniivveerrssee in abstract 3d meta-spaces that gather the various online users, as well as elements of races living virtually inside the code and running in the processor cycles. (2007-11)
Non-Newtonian (8x) |
Non-Newtonian (8x)is an interactive sonic visual system which plays music of the spheres generated in the series. The piece mimics galaxies formation, using sound, modified speakers with non-newtonian fluids, and interaction from the visitors to the installation space. (2010-11)
410 |
410 is an audio-visual performance tangential to the Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges. (2010)
pianta del mondo series
pianta del mondo
series of pieces exploring the creation of virtual imaginary cities. (1999-) website:
0 0 255 |
0 0 255 unreal game modification allowing immersion in 3d abstract space. (1999)
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k. |
k. is a free adaptation of the imagery experimented by K. in 'The Castle' by Franz Kafka, that transports the user in a vertiginous voyage through the spatial abstraction. generates endless stochastic user browsable spaces. (2007)
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k.~ |
k.~ is a sonic land-surveyor of infinite spaces. A three dimensional voyage in continuos space through sound. (2010))
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0 255 0
0 255 0. The piece alludes to 100% green, in rgb color components. It is a video mapping installation on the model of a city where an abstract simulation, an endless game between three teams takes place. (2011)
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Lampsacus is a playable city. An interactive audio visual environment where a virtual city is recreated, modifiable, inhabited by its human visitors, at the installation space, as well as computational resident agents in the three dimensional space. (2012)
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Hyperborea |
Beyond the northern winds region lays Hyperborea, an immersive geometrical land where generative processes carve freely forms adjusted by wind dynamics, structuring a mythological engagable polys. (2012-13)
assorted projects
terrants |
terrants is a continuous generative graphic process that accumulates the movements of two ant teams in a spatial region, overimposing their paths and interactions on a landscape. (2007)
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volume7021143 is an application that browses several points of view in an abstract, dynamic volume, made of planes that overlap with various opacities.(2007)
gravidade |
gravityis a continuous generative graphic process that creates gravitational drawings from movement. (2008)
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BwO |
BwO (Body without Organs) All the words of the text from 'Mille Plateaux' are floating in space, disembodied from their pages,
interconnected by a luminous thread; the code follows each word in its
reading order, embodying a meta-body-without-organs in 3d space,
charting diffuse abstract paths united by generative's logic thread.
video run the work

22009 is a voyage controlled by the user through a 3d abstract sonic space.(2008)
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ascend |
interactive installation where the movement of the viewers influences
the simulation of a crowd of autonomous agents which ascends on
building's facades. (2009)
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